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Buy Crystal Meth USA, Australia +1(224)241-2273
imperialpsychedelic.com is a company specialized in sales and delivery of research chemical products. You can easily buy cocaine online here. Buy Crystal Meth Online, Buy Carfentanil Powder Online, Buy DMT Powder Online, 96% Pure Powder Cocaine, Buy Acetyl Fentanyl Powder, Buy Black Tar Heroin, Buy Ketamine Powder, buy 96% Pure Powder Cocaine, 150ug Homer Simpson LSD 25 tabs, Buy A-PVP Crystal, Buy Kratom Powder Online, Buy MDPV Powder Online, Orange Trump MDMA Pills, Buy Ayahuasca Online and More... Order Now: https://imperialpsychedelic.com/ | Phone: +1(224)241-2273 | Email: imperialpsychedelic@gmail.com
330,00 KM
Buy Crystal Meth USA, Australia +1(224)241-2273
imperialpsychedelic.com is a company specialized in sales and delivery of research chemical products. You can easily buy cocaine online here. Buy Crystal Meth Online, Buy Carfentanil Powder Online, Buy DMT Powder Online, 96% Pure Powder Cocaine, Buy Acetyl Fentanyl Powder, Buy Black Tar Heroin, Buy Ketamine Powder, buy 96% Pure Powder Cocaine, 150ug Homer Simpson LSD 25 tabs, Buy A-PVP Crystal, Buy Kratom Powder Online, Buy MDPV Powder Online, Orange Trump MDMA Pills, Buy Ayahuasca Online and More... Order Now: https://imperialpsychedelic.com/ | Phone: +1(224)241-2273 | Email: imperialpsychedelic@gmail.com
330,00 KM
Uredjaj za srebrnu vodu
Uredjaj za srebrnu vodu Uredjaj je potpuno automatizovan i mikroprocesorski na bazi savremenih Atmel AVR mikrokontrolera i jedinstven je na nasem trzistu. Sa ovim uredjajem proizvodicete 1litar srebrne vode za 1evro (cena destilovane vode) za razliku od nabavne cene koja je oko 5evra za 0.5litra ( deset puta jeftinije ) tako da se za kratko vreme isplati investicija u njega. Dva uzorka srebrne vode su proverena na Prirodno-matematickom fakultetu u Nisu katedre za analiticku hemiju najsavremenijom opremom, a dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je ispitivani uzorak pravi koloidni rastvor. U mogucnosti ste da koristite preporuku koja se nalazi u uputstvu za koriscenje uredjaja sa kojom odmah pri primeni te procedure imate izbor za dobijanje rastvora 5ppm i 10ppm. Ostavljena vam je i mogucnost individualnog izbora recepture. Ovakav tip uredjaja vec postoji u svetu, medjutim isti ili slican nije ponudjen na nasem trzistu. Detaljne informacije o delovanju srebrne vode i o uredjaju potrazite na sajtu: www.srebrnavoda.biz Uz uredjaj se dobijaju i elektrode od srebra cistoce Ag 999,9, drzac elektroda kao i svi potrebni kablovi za povezivanje. Email za kontakt: agvoda@gmail.com Telefon/Viber: +381 64 29 67 008
Dyed and Black Money Cleaning Ssd Machines +27633953837
Dear Sir/ Madam Dyed & Black Money Cleaning Services  Automatic ssd Machine for sale  +27633953837 We specialize in cleaning anti-breeze bank notes of any denomination and currency, recovering all types of bad money from black to white notes, and Anti-freezing Preparations . Vectrol paste, Tebi-Manetic solution, Defaced currency, Cleaning chemical. Darkened currency, Black coated notes, Cleaning black and white money, vectrol paste, SSD solution, super automatic solution, black marked currency, black coated notes, cleaning Black money. Regards. Dr. Allan Call : +27633953837 Email: baabablack2016@gmail.com SSD Chemical solution +27633953837 Automatic ssd Machine for sale in Johannesburg S. Africa We offer Cleaning Solutions for all strong Currencies. Rands, US Dollars, Pounds, Euro, Pula, Namibian Dollars and so many more These cleaning solutions are developed from specially formulated solvent and are capable of cleaning all types of deface currency. For wide industrial consumption, we offer these superior quality cleaning solutions at industry leading prices. Anti-freezing Preparations and Prepared De-icing Fluids SSD Solution Automatic Dx-1, Tebi-Manetic solution, Defaced currency, Cleaning chemical. Darkened currency, SSD solution chemicals, super automatic solution, Anti-breeze bank notes, Black marked currency, Black coated notes, and Cleaning Black money.   S.S.D SOLUTION CHEMICAL FOR CLEANING BLACK NOTES  AND MACHINES  Are you looking for:- ANTI-BREEZE BANK NOTES ANTI-BREEZE BANKNOTES ANTI-BREEZE NOTES ANTI-BREEZE CURRENCY STAINED MONEY COATED NOTES DEFACED CURRENCY S.S.D SOLUTION VECTROL PASTE TEBI-MANETIC SOLUTION HUMINE POWDERS super autamatic solution Caluanie (Oxidative Partition Thermostat, Heavy Water) Appearance: Transparent liquid. Smell: Ordorless. Application: It is used for the refinement of precious metals and semiprecious stones. Purity: 99.98% Storage: jerry can packaging or as per buyer's request. PLEASE NOTE: WE ONLY DEALS ON HIGH QUALITY S.S.D. CHEMICALS SOLUTION FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY I Guarantee You Our ssd super chemical are 100% Original, activated and verified Or You Will Receive A Full Refund if we don't clean all your currency.. For Any Inquiries contact : +27738432716 BUY PURE 99% SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION&ACTIVATION POWDER+27839746943IN DUBAI, RIYADH, AMMAN, ISLAMABAD JAKARTA, , ABU DHABI, ANKARA, NUR-SULTAN, BAGHDAD, BAKU, BANGKOK, BEIJING, BEIRUT, BISHKEK, DAMASCUS, DHAKA..., DOHA, HANOI, JERUSALEM, KABUL, KATHMANDU, KUALA LUMPUR, KUWAIT CITY, MALE, MANILA, MOSCOW, MUSCAT, NEW DELHI, PHNOM PENH, PYONGYANG, SANAA, SEOUL, SINGAPORE, TAIPEI, TASHKENT, TBILLISI, TEHRAN, TOKYO, ULAANBAATAR, YEREVAN, VIENTIANE, THIMPHU, NAYPYIDAW, LHASA, DUSHANBE, DILI, COLOMBO, BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, ASHGABAT. BLACK CLEANING SOLUTION%ACTIVATION POWDER, TEMPERATURE CONTROLLERS ACTIVATION POWDER, BLACK CURRENCY CLEANING MACHINE, BLACK CURRENCY CLEANING, BLACK CLEANING AGENT, CURRENCY CLEANING SOLUTION FOR SALE, GENUINE CURRENCY CLEANING SOLUTIONS, LABORATORY&PARTNERSHIP, CLEANING BLACK CURRENCY FOR COMPANIES Send in you order via . Contactnumber: +27633953837 whatsApp..............+27633953837 Email:baabablack2016@gmail.com
New Dermatology Laser For Beauty Clinic
New Dermatology Laser For Beauty Clinic WWW.NURSOFYAN.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Dermatology Laser to any country of the world. We supply best of quality Dermatology Laser including major models from best brand makers.Currently we offer products from: ALMA, ELLMAN CORTEX, JEISYS, CYNOSURE, DEKA, CANDELA,etc Please visit our site or contact us to check our product availability. Worldwide Shipping Service Available! For more information regarding the product, you can visit our official website. Store Website: https://www.nursofyan.com Whatsapp : +62857 6256 2315 INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/nursofyanstore/
389 080,00 KM
Sysmex XS-1000i Hematology Analyzers
Fluorescent flow cytometry and advanced cell counting in a space-saving footprint make the Sysmex XS-Series Automated Hematology Analyzer an excellent choice for laboratories that have smaller sample volumes. The Sysmex XS-1000i offers 21 testing parameters and closed tube sampling to assure operator safety. It requires less than four feet of counter space and uses only 20 µL of the sample. What is the Sysmex XS-1000i? The Sysmex XS-1000i is a hematology analyzer by Japanese healthcare company Sysmex. It is the latest product in a new series of products called the XS-series. Unlike its predecessors, this particular one is compact in size. It also features the newest fluorescence flow cytometry technology. New Medical Electronic and ophthalmic device for hospital WWW.NURSOFYAN.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device to any country of the world. We supply best of quality Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device including major models from best brand makers.Currently we offer products from: Aescalup Meditec, Argus optic, good, BKG, Canon, Clement clarke, Coherent, Ellex, Haag dispute, Heine, Humphrey, Hoya, Huvitz, iCare, Kowa, Magnon, Medmont, Melag, Möller-Wedel, Neitz, Nidek, Nikon, Oculus, Reichert, Shin Nippon, Takagi, Tomey, Topcon, Zeiss. Please visit our site or contact us to check our product availability. Worldwide Shipping Service Available! For more information regarding the product, you can visit our official website. Store Website: https://www.nursofyan.com Whatsapp : +62857 6256 2315 INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/nursofyanstore/
8 243,00 KM
Mindray M9 Ultrasound Machine
The Mindray M9 is the top-of-the-line portable ultrasound machine from Mindray and builds on the previous M7 and M5 portables. It is based on Mindary’s new generation platform and single crystal probes which allows for better penetration and higher resolution. The M9 is targeted at the portable high-end cardiac market with full cardiac features, transducers (including TEE), and full measurement packages. It can be used about 90 minutes with the built-in battery and with a trolley mounted battery pack it lasts over 3.5 hours. New Medical Electronic and ophthalmic device for hospital WWW.NURSOFYAN.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device to any country of the world. We supply best of quality Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device including major models from best brand makers.Currently we offer products from: Aescalup Meditec, Argus optic, good, BKG, Canon, Clement clarke, Coherent, Ellex, Haag dispute, Heine, Humphrey, Hoya, Huvitz, iCare, Kowa, Magnon, Medmont, Melag, Möller-Wedel, Neitz, Nidek, Nikon, Oculus, Reichert, Shin Nippon, Takagi, Tomey, Topcon, Zeiss. Please visit our site or contact us to check our product availability. Worldwide Shipping Service Available! For more information regarding the product, you can visit our official website. Store Website: https://www.nursofyan.com Whatsapp : +62857 6256 2315 INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/nursofyanstore/
24 830,00 KM
Automatic Perimeter Zeiss Humphrey Field Analyzer HFA 3 830
Automatic Perimeter Zeiss Humphrey Field Analyzer HFA 3 / 830, NEW Incl. table, printer, keyboard, mouse The New Humphrey Field Analyzer 3 from ZEISS Sets a New Standard for Efficient Visual Field Testing New Medical Electronic and ophthalmic device for hospital WWW.NURSOFYAN.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device to any country of the world. We supply best of quality Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device including major models from best brand makers.Currently we offer products from: Aescalup Meditec, Argus optic, good, BKG, Canon, Clement clarke, Coherent, Ellex, Haag dispute, Heine, Humphrey, Hoya, Huvitz, iCare, Kowa, Magnon, Medmont, Melag, Möller-Wedel, Neitz, Nidek, Nikon, Oculus, Reichert, Shin Nippon, Takagi, Tomey, Topcon, Zeiss. Please visit our site or contact us to check our product availability. Worldwide Shipping Service Available! For more information regarding the product, you can visit our official website. Store Website: https://www.nursofyan.com Whatsapp : +62857 6256 2315 INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/nursofyanstore/
21 155,00 KM
Biolase Epic Pro Dental Soft Tissue Laser
Biolase Epic Pro Dental Soft Tissue Laser New FEATURES: The first Advanced-grade dental diode laser offers more power and innovation – cutting up to four times faster than a traditional diode Automatic Power Control and Super Pulse technology provide stable tip temperature and precise, fast tissue cutting. Provides greater depth of penetration, control, and consistency than a CO2 – at just a fraction of the cost New Medical Electronic and ophthalmic device for hospital WWW.NURSOFYAN.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device to any country of the world. We supply best of quality Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device including major models from best brand makers.Currently we offer products from: Aescalup Meditec, Argus optic, good, BKG, Canon, Clement clarke, Coherent, Ellex, Haag dispute, Heine, Humphrey, Hoya, Huvitz, iCare, Kowa, Magnon, Medmont, Melag, Möller-Wedel, Neitz, Nidek, Nikon, Oculus, Reichert, Shin Nippon, Takagi, Tomey, Topcon, Zeiss. Please visit our site or contact us to check our product availability. Worldwide Shipping Service Available! For more information regarding the product, you can visit our official website. Store Website: https://www.nursofyan.com Whatsapp : +62857 6256 2315 INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/nursofyanstore/
24 830,00 KM
Offre de prêt très fiable Vous êtes fichés, interdits bancaires et vous n'avez pas la faveur des banques ou mieux vous avez un projet et avez besoin de financement, un mauvais dossier de crédit ou besoin d'argent pour payer des factures, fonds à investir sur les entreprises. Alors si vous avez besoin de prêt n'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour en savoir plus sur nos conditions notament sur le taux de 3%. Pour toute autre information veuillez nous contacter par mail:walterlohrpaula@gmail.com Cordialement
1,00 KM
WWW.ZULFAHMILUBIS.COM, We specialize in exporting good and best medical and laboratory equipment/device to any country of the world. We supply best of quality Medical Electronic , Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine, Cosmetic Laser, X-Ray Machine, and ophthalmic devices including major models from best brand makers. Currently we offer products from: Aescalup Meditec, Argus optic, good, BKG, Canon, Clement clarke, Coherent, Ellex, Haag dispute, Heine, Humphrey, Hoya, Huvitz, iCare, Kowa, Magnon, Medmont, Melag, Möller-Wedel, Neitz, Nidek, Nikon, Oculus, Reichert, Shin Nippon, Takagi, Tomey, Topcon, Zeiss. Please visit our site or contact us for check our product available. World Wide Shipment Service Available! For more information regarding the product, you can visit our official website. You can also looking for the other simillar product and you can place your order directly from our official website, WWW.ZULFAHMILUBIS.COM Store website: https://www.zulfahmilubis.com
15 084,00 KM
Uredjaj za srebrnu vodu
Uredjaj je potpuno automatizovan i mikroprocesorski na bazi savremenih Atmel AVR mikrokontrolera i jedinstven je na nasem trzistu. Sa ovim uredjajem proizvodicete 1litar srebrne vode za 1evro (cena destilovane vode) za razliku od nabavne cene koja je oko 5evra za 0.5litra ( deset puta jeftinije ) tako da se za kratko vreme isplati investicija u njega. Dva uzorka srebrne vode su proverena na Prirodno-matematickom fakultetu u Nisu katedre za analiticku hemiju najsavremenijom opremom, a dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je ispitivani uzorak pravi koloidni rastvor. U mogucnosti ste da koristite preporuku koja se nalazi u uputstvu za koriscenje uredjaja sa kojom odmah pri primeni te procedure imate izbor za dobijanje rastvora 5ppm i 10ppm. Ostavljena vam je i mogucnost individualnog izbora recepture. Ovakav tip uredjaja vec postoji u svetu, medjutim isti ili slican nije ponudjen na nasem trzistu. Detaljne informacije o delovanju srebrne vode i o uredjaju potrazite na sajtu: www.srebrnavoda.biz Uz uredjaj se dobijaju i elektrode od srebra cistoce Ag 999,9, drzac elektroda kao i svi potrebni kablovi za povezivanje. Email za kontakt: agvoda@gmail.com Telefon/Viber: +381 64 29 67 008
Ponuda kredit novac - Viber : +381-644126511
Krediti. Zajmovi od 2000 (€, RSD) do 10.000.000(€, RSD) . Pojedinacne širom sveta preciznije vi koji ste u Srbiji; Grna Gora; Zürich; Nemacki; Hrvatska; Slovenija; Holandija; Bosna; Nemacka; e-pošta ( ivanavu78@gmail.com ) Viber : +381-644126511
Uredjaj za srebrnu vodu
Sa ovim uređajem možete sami da proizvedete koloidni jonski rastvor srebrne vode. Uređaj je potpuno automatizovan i mikroprocesorski na bazi savremenih Atmel AVR mikrokontrolera i jedinstven je na našem tržištu. Ideja je da 1l vode košta oko 1 EUR za razliku od nabavne cene koja je oko 8 EUR za 0.5l (deset puta jeftinije) tako da se za kratko vreme isplati investicija u njega. Dva uzorka srebrne vode su proverena na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu u Nišu katedre za analitičku hemiju. Email za kontakt: agvoda@gmail.com Tel. +381 64 29 67 008 Za vise informacije pogledajte nas web sajt: www.srebrnavoda.biz
Uredjaj za srebrnu vodu
Sa ovim uređajem možete sami da proizvedete koloidni jonski rastvor srebrne vode. Uređaj je potpuno automatizovan i mikroprocesorski na bazi savremenih Atmel AVR mikrokontrolera i jedinstven je na našem tržištu. Ideja je da 1l vode košta oko 1 EUR za razliku od nabavne cene koja je oko 8 EUR za 0.5l (deset puta jeftinije) tako da se za kratko vreme isplati investicija u njega. Dva uzorka srebrne vode su proverena na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu u Nišu katedre za analitičku hemiju. Email za kontakt: agvoda@gmail.com Tel. +381 64 29 67 008 Za vise informacije pogledajte nas web sajt: www.srebrnavoda.biz
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